LK10 Call for proposal
LK10 Call for proposal
The conference will take place: 26th – 28th June 2024 in Girona, Spain
** Call is closed**
Deadline: 8th January at 23:59 CET

The 10th Living Knowledge Conference with its theme “Building and sustaining next generation engagement” serves anybody who is interested in supporting, facilitating, or doing community-driven, collaborative research, hereby fostering a ‘community of practice’ of both old and new friends. We want to hear from new minds and young researchers and practitioners working with community-based research, engaged research and citizen science.
Living Knowledge Conferences favour interaction over one-way presentations. There is ample time for discussions, workshops, and dilemma sessions. From this meeting of people and minds we hope to create synergies that will benefit us all as well as the groups we represent.
The call is looking for proposals in the following topics of the next generation:
- Curriculum: Engaged Research embedded in the curriculum and next generation of teachers.
- Genuine engagement: Participatory techniques vs rhetoric’s on participatory based research; Cooperation vs engagement; Science Shops and Citizen Science/Living Labs; power relations.
- Leaders: young researchers and practitioners– specific track for this group – and how to support researchers.
- Overcoming barriers: How to support local communities (transdisciplinary and across universities); influence of political restrictions on community-based work.
- Engagement policy and funding: Policy dimension and advocacy for community engagement/citizen science/RRI in next EU funding programme; governance of research; assessment and funding of participation.
- Impact: Transformative and impactful collaboration (from knowledge to implementation)
- Strategy: From in house to local to global; from values to strategy: changing institutes’ strategy.
- Futures: participation for Horizon Europe Missions and SDGs.
How can you contribute?
We are open to a broad range of inputs, so please consider how you would like to share your knowledge and experience with us and how you could involve the participants. We encourage creative formats ranging from classic research presentations to workshops and performances, where art and research are combined and participants are involved.
To maximise the opportunities for people to present and interact, a range of formats are suggested. Priority will be given to proposals that have a strong interactive element whereby delegates and presenters have an opportunity through dialogue or other interactive methods to learn, share, exchange and develop their ideas, expertise and practices. An often-heard critique in conference evaluations is the lack of opportunity to interact and participate. Too much time is spent on one-way presentations. Therefore, please ensure that there is opportunity for active participation!
The presentation formats vary from ultrashort sharings, like the 5-minutes Expose (with the possibility for dialogue afterwards) to workshops of 45 to 90 minutes. Poster presentations are a good way of entering into in-depth conversations with those specifically interested in your work.
- Posters: The poster presentation is easily the most interactive session type, allowing for in-depth conversations on the ones that appeal to you.
All presenters will be at their posters and are looking forward to giving your further context and engaging with you! - Research Presentations demonstrate theoretical underpinning and original research, in 10 minute speaking time. The session chair decides on how the Q&A will be organized. This could be 5 minutes after each presentation with some more general discussion at the end.
- 5-min pitch: Speakers have 5 minutes speaking time; if there are e.g. 5 speakers in a 60 min session, this leaves about 30 minutes for people to have follow-up discussions in various corners of the room, and have a more in depth conversation with the speakers of their liking. These 5 min expose’s are suitable for e.g. practice insights, in which speakers describe, demonstrate and/or evaluate specific practices. New ideas, in which speakers present work in progress on research or practice, including ideas under development or that have yet to be implemented or need partners.
- Story Telling Sessions invite a story – a genuine and authentic experience of a team or community – to be (preferably jointly) told in 20 minutes, including reflection from the various stakeholders involved. A story should also describe the challenges faced and overcome – in full or partially. Short Q&A (10 min) afterwards.
- Workshops provide a space for further development of theories or practice. Organizers may work on developing a certain tool or methodology and need you to further develop it, or want to discuss with you how to improve current practice, develop strategy, etc.
- Skills-training workshops will help you develop a specific skill.
- Problem-solving sessions provide an opportunity to explore challenges, difficulties, problems encountered during the presented cases. Presenters not only bring their cases but also provide the method to engage participants and to work on the problem.
- Arts-based sessions use interactive formats, like living labs, design games, film, poetry, art work, photo-voice, video etc.
- Panels and plenary sessions discuss a central theme from various angles.
More detailed information on the different formats can be found here
Evaluation criteria of the proposals
- Relevance to the conference theme
- Clarity of the submitted abstract
- Novelty of the submitted work
- (Potential) impact of the work (on society and/or research)
- Level of collaboration, engagement and synergies of the presented work
- Level of interaction with conference participants
Your description will help reviewers make an informed evaluation of your proposal and the organising committee to create the conference programme. In the submission form you are kindly requested to select 1 theme that best fits your submission and 1-3 keywords.
Reviewers can accept or reject the submitted proposals or they can advise the participants to focus on certain aspects of the submitted work or use another format. The organising committee will then check the outcome of the review process with the available time-slots and conference rooms and inform you about the decision.
Please note that obviously we have less 90 minutes time slots available than shorter slots.
Before the conference, you may be approached by a session chair, whose task it is to give shape to the session and turn it into a coherent event. By then, it will also be possible to upload a full version of your presentation, if you wish to do so.
Living Knowledge Conferences favor interaction over one-way presentations. There is ample time for discussions, workshops, and dilemma sessions. From this meeting of people and minds we hope to create synergies that will benefit us all as well as the groups we represent.
* Please note: Deadline for submission was 8th January, 2024 at 23:59 CET