LK10 Programme

LK10 Programme


Building and sustaining next generation engagement

The conference will take place: 26th – 28th June 2024 in Girona, Spain

Please note: Some sessions may be subject to change. Check the App to see the updated program. 

Wednesday 26 June

Plenary session: (9.00 – 11.00)

Arts-Based: An Artistic Workshop for Emotional (Re)Connection and Conservation Advocacy of Sandy Beaches – (Emily van Dijk, Ana Lía Ciganda, 11.30 – 13.00)

Storytelling: Science Going Places. Three stories about community engaged research and community outreach – (Petra Pansegrau, Josep Perelló, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Six ways in which a grant program expands possibilities in community-led research – (Joanna Habdank, 11.30 – 12.00)

5-Minute Exposé: Deepening knowledge democracy? (Molly McCabe, Anne Laybourne, Sílvia Simon Rabasseda, Joanna Ochocka, Amanda Demmer, Victoria Shennan, Elena Del Pup, 12.00 – 13.00)

Research Presentation: Engaging with young generations, ensuring durable relations – (Jane Palmer, Meritxell Abril, Oriol Porcel, Sonia Nikitin, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Training students in cultural humility before engaging with communities – (Elizabeth Tryon, John W. Zeigler, 11.30 – 12.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Academic Rebels in Action: Student-led partnerships and systemic interventions towards social sustainability – (Aina Hagen, Hilde Rønnaug Kitterød, Simona Brozmanová, 12.15 – 13.00)

Workshop Skills Training: Working on the Fringes: Third Spaces as incubators for subtle activism in Higher Education – (Linde Moriau, 11.30 – 13.00)

Discussion Panel/Roundtable: Science Shops – Skills, competences and mindset required for next generation’s engagement at the interface between science and society – (Frank Becker, Michael Jakobs, Baiba Pruse, Angelo Salento, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Collaborative Knowledge Mobilization in Campus-Community Partnerships – (Julia Derkau, Karl-Heinz Gerholz, Jörg Miller, 11.30 – 12.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Transdisciplinary research for impact in society – (Gerard Straver, Alanya den Boer, Lèneke Pfeiffer, Gerard Straver, Marta Vallve Odena, 12.15 – 13.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Equitable Compensation for Community Participation in CER – (Shahad Al-Saqqar, Ameil Joseph, 11.30 – 12.00)

5-Minute Exposé: Useful Engaged Learnings – (Helen Szoor-McElhinney, Hannah Tweddell, Elisabet Bonfill Molina, Nadia Fava, Alessia Smaniotto, 12.00 – 13.00)

Discussion Panel/Roundtable: Conceptualizing and advancing ‘next generation community engagement’: Discussion cum brainstorming session, on the occasion of the launch of the book, ‘Community Engagement in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice’ – (Wafa Singh, Andrea Vargiu, Emma McKenna, Valentina Ghibellini, Irma Flores Hinojo, 14.00 – 15.30)

Thematic Full Session: Community Engaged Learning to Transform, Innovate and Capacitate (CELTIC) – (Maura Adshead, 14.00 – 14.45)

Research Presentation: Healing people, healing landscapes – co-creating socio-environmental relations for health and climate resilience – (Jaume Feliu, Alice Veronica Lamwaka, Sergi Nuss Girona, 14.45 – 15.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: “Make Kin Don’t Kill” – Investigating Narratives and Communication Barriers on the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in the Lagoon of Venice – (Elisa Zanoni, Marco Cervino, 14.00 – 14.45)

Thematic Full Session: A community engaged learning initiative in Hoogezand: How to foster reciprocal learning in neighbourhood centres – (Vincent Hazelhoff, Denise Leidelmeijer, 14.45 – 15.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Towards a democratic research programme, how to achieve significant changes for FP10 ? – (Aude Lapprand, Glen Millot, 14.00 – 15.30)

Storytelling: Breaking the walls of classic, academic education(Yorick Karseboom, Amanda Demmer, Ruth Hally, Kelly Buckley, 14.00 – 15.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Saveguarding reciprocity in Community University Partnersips – (Geertje Tijsma, 14.00 – 15.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: EcoRegió Living Lab for ecological transition – (Oriol Costa Lechuga, 14.00 – 14.30)

5-Minute Exposé: Citizen Science, Hubs and Maps: Succes and Failure in Engagement – (Barbara Heinisch, Sofia Mojica Baquero, Rosa Olivella, Norbert Steinhaus, Susann Wagner, 14.30 – 15.30)

Arts-Based: On connecting – (Stella Veciana, Ralf Hilgers, 14.00 – 15.30)

Research Presentation: Impact & Community Engagement – (Wafa Singh, Myra Ronzoni, Michaela Shields, Martina Jordaan, 15.45 – 17.15)

Thematic Full Session: Building the evidence for community-led approaches to research and innovation – (Steve Scott, Kirsty Neale, Charlene Stagon, 15.45 – 17.15)

Thematic Full Session: Bring the Arts into Community-Based Research & Nature-Based Solutions – (Maleea Acker, 15.45 – 16.30)

Arts-Based: Our Ancestors Are in Our Lands, Waters, and Air: Sharing (Digital) Stories in Environment and Health Research for Healing, Reconciliation, and a Shared Future – (Heather Castleden, Sheila Francis, Diana Lewis, Savanna Francis, Hunter Francis, Selena Denny, Sean Campbell, Jordan Krawchuk, 16.30 – 17.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: From Principles to Practice – Supporting Sustainable Learning Journeys in Public Engagement Training – (Jana Wendler, 15.45 – 16.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Your work has impact, so should you! How to tell an engaging story – (Renira Narrandes, 16.30 – 17.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Science Together – (Daisy Hopkins, Leandros Tsiotos, 15.45 – 16.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: House of Training: Building the Foundations of Youth Citizen Social Science – (Aina Landsverk Hagen, Hilde Rønnaug Kitterød, Sara Berge Lorenzen, 16.30 – 17.15)

Arts-Based: Designing your ideal learning ecosystem – (Marta Vallve Odena, Anke Swanenberg, Tosca Veerbeek, 15.45 – 17.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Developing ideas for actioning change in HE towards more inclusive, socially responsive, and epistemologically diverse environments – (Lesley Wood, Budd Hall, Andrea Vargiu, 15.45 – 16.30)

Thursday 27 June

Plenary session: (9.00 – 10.00)

Poster Presentations (10.00 – 11.15)

Arts-Based: Youth Voices and Youth Power in Washington DC: A Video-Based Participatory Project – (Jane Palmer, 10.00 – 10.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Nexus Island – A game-based workshop to explore Planetary Health – (Sara Verstraeten, 11.30 – 13.00)

Research Presentation: Citizen Science = Data Science? – (Isabelle Bonhoure, Berta Companys, Karen Soacha, Sonia Liñan, Karen Soacha, Jaume Piera, Alexander López Borrull, Germain Abdul – Rahman, Florian Fahr, 11.30 – 13.00)

Storytelling: Learning with and for the community(Sara Vantournhout, Jozefien De Marrée, Vincent Hazelhoff, Shaun Greaves, Andrew Kirton, Phoebe White, Eve Cullum, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Transformative Horizons: Fostering Community Engagement through Collaborative Curriculum-Making in Higher Education – (Linde Moriau, Ciara O’Halloran, 12.15 – 13.00)

Workshop Skills Training: Bridging Knowledge Cultures: Addressing Power Dynamics in Community-University Research Partnerships – (Walter Lepore, Budd Hall, Lesley Wood, Irma Flores Hinojo, 11.30 – 13.00)

Arts-Based: At the speed of trust: Storying shared research agreements – (Tracey Murphy, Kiara Wilson, Natalya Child, Maya Willard-Stephen, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: From co-created output to impact; designing for transformative interventions – (Esther van Vliet, 11.30 – 12.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Democratising evaluation – making evaluation collaborative, inclusive and accessible – (Ruth Unstead-Joss, 12.15 – 13.00)

Storytelling: A touch of direct democracy through collective citizen action – (Matthias Pätzold, Ana Lía Ciganda Garrido, Khan Rahi, 11.30 – 13.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Community initiated research with social enterpreneurs – (Matolay Réka, 11.30 – 12.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Consolidating different knowledge systems – the case of biocultural diversity – (Barbara Heinisch, 12.15 – 13.00)

Research Presentation: Community engagement methods and practices addressed to social challenges – (Lara Morcillo Sánchez, Pere Soler Masó, Anna Planas Lladó, Eduard Carrera Fossas, Baiba Pruse, Ann-Kathrin Bremer, Ulrike Brok, Małgorzata Dzimińska, Aneta Krzewińska, Izabela Warwas, Ciara O’Halloran, 14.00 – 15.30)

Storytelling: Building Bridges in Academia: Institutionalizing Participatory Research, Fostering Communities of Practice, and Enhancing Public Engagement(Henk Mulder, Amanda Demmer, Fanny Sbaraglia, Eline Livemont, 14:00 – 15:30)

Storytelling: Empowering students as active agents, in and through community engagement – (Ruth Hally, Catherine O’Mahony, Karin de Boer, Agatha Majcher, Frank Becker, 14.00 – 15.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Let’s talk citizen science: a discussion game to explore challenges and opportunities in mainstreaming citizen science – (Florence Gignac, Enrico Balli, 14.00 – 15.30)

Discussion Panel/Roundtable: Taking participatory work from project-level methods to institutional change strategy – (Shubhangi Kumari, 14.00 – 14.45)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Enhancing Sustainability through Service Learning: A Holistic Approach to University Transformation and Regional Impact – (Katrin Hedemann, 14.45 – 15.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Citizen Science Shops: fostering synergies between science shops and citizen science research – (Karel Verbrugge, Jozefien De Marrée, 14.00 – 15.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Citizen Science Collaborative, fostering social inclusion in SENSE.STEAM education – (Rebekah Breding, Josep Perelló, Isabelle Bonhoure, 14.00 – 14.45)

Arts-Based: Connecting Art: Resources for Nature Engagement – (Stella Veciana, Ralf Hilgers, 14.45 – 15.15)

Storytelling: Integrating Social Science, Community Engagement, and Sustainable Development in Health and Education(Cyrine Bouabid, Hichem Ben Hassine, Mariem Belghith, Elliot Fara Rakotomanana, Chiarella Mattern, Janice McMillan, Catherine Bates, Mohammad Affendy Arip, Ahmad Syafiq Ahmad Nasir, 15.45 – 17.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Start and Lead: a game to design and reformulate university Service Learning projects – (Mariona Masgrau-Juanola, Glòria Reig, Marta Roqueta, 15.45 – 16.30)

Workshop Problem-Solving: ‘Learning in Harmony’: The Art of Assessing Learning Gains in Engaged Research Project – (Emma McKenna, Chougher Doughramajian, Marta Frigyik, Judit Gaspar, Reka Matolay, 16.30 – 17.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Crowd-Mapping, Community Engaged Research and Learning and Soil Health Improvement – (Norbert Steinhaus, 15.45 – 17.15)

Storytelling: Long-term collaboration in social innovation, community research and citizen science(Dorottya Pap, Susan Davis, Vincent Hazelhoff, Sonia Liñán, 15.45 – 17.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Technological instruments for social inclusion students with special needs in university – (Valentina Ghibellini, 15.45 – 16.30)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Collective exploration of conflicts and resistances through cuerpo-territorio methodology – (Maria Borràs, Federica Ravera, 16.30 – 17.15)

Arts-Based: SȽEW̱ÁȽ NOṈET – A First Generation of Reconcili-Action – (Tye Swallow, 14.00 – 15.30)

Arts-Based: Audiovisuals as a tool for dialogic interaction between universities and social movements – (Raielle Mazzarelli, Rubens Bedrikow, 12.30 – 13.00)

Friday 28 June

Storytelling: Technological instruments for social inclusion students with special needs in university – (Niamh O’Sullivan, Niels Alberts, Marta Martorell i Camps, Fatima Canseco, 9.30 – 11.00)

Storytelling: Seeking Knowledge Across Circles – (Maeve Lydon, Darcy Mathews, Jessica Joseph, John Harris, Desiree Jones, Kyle Clarke, Judith Lyn Arney, Sarah Jim, Kyle Clarke, Oriol Costa, 9.30 – 11.00)

Arts-Based: Cutting up the logics of impact – (Gemma Moore, Tadhg Caffrey, 9.30 – 10.15)

Workshop Skills Training: Fostering climate friendly lifestyles through carbon budget visualization and Smart Delphi tools – (Jan Ferrer Picó, Sergi Nuss Girona, 9.30 – 10.15)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Artist residencies as knowledge exchange – (Lizzy Baddeley, 10.15 – 11.00)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Scaling next generation engagement in the neoliberal university at the Research Justice Shop (University of California, Irvine) – (Victoria Lowerson Bredow, Connie McGuire, 9.30 – 10.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: How to reach and encourage individuals and communities to participate in municipal planning strategies and construction of public policies? – (Camila Camolesi Guimarães, 10.15 – 11.00)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: The Francophone Science Shop network: How to institutionalise science/society actions in public policies? – (Glen Millot, Stéphanie Bost, Clara Descamps, Grégoire Wallenborn, Morgane Montagnat , 9.30 – 11.00)

Research Presentation: Three examples of research into collaborative policy development: Race and Housing Access; Healthcare in Prisons and University Community Engagement – (Eduard Carrera-Fossas, Quim Brugué, Cyrine Bouabid, Michaëlla Razaf, Chiarella Mattern, Christian Dagenais, Aurélie Hot, Anna Planas, Edgar Iglesias, Pere Soler, Sílvia Llach, Jaume Feliu, 9.30 – 10.15)

Workshop Problem-Solving: Specificities of collaborative/ participatory research with various vulnerable groups – (György Málovics, Judit Gébert, Roland Herke, 10.15 – 11.00)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: Fundació Girona Regió del Coneixement: responding to social challenges through the dynamization of the innovation ecosystem – (Xavier Jané, 9.30 – 11.00)

Workshop Development Theory/Strategy/Methods: SFC Tools: The new methodological toolbox to create zero-waste collaborative workshops – (Blanca Guasch, 9.30 – 11.00)

Arts-Based: Listening to the stories of water: Co-creating imaginative pathways – (Tracey Murphy, Kiara Wilson, Natalya Wilson, Maya Willard-Stephen, 9.30 – 11.00)

Plenasy session: (11.30 – 13.00)

Pre-Conference Programme – Science Shop Summer School  

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The day before the conference we offer a separate pre-conference workshop – the Science Shop Summer School. It has become a tradition that the Living Knowledge Conference offers this ‘crash course’ with an overview of different ways to facilitate research with and for society though Science Shops or similar units. It is aimed at those who are relatively new to this – or those that just want to broaden their overview. It will help you make the most out of the main conference the following 2,5 days. 

In the afternoon there will be a workshop held by Joanna Ochocka called “Authentic or tokenistic Community-University Research Partnerships? Enhancing academic and community capacity for impactful community-based research”.

There will be an optional complimentary city visit on this Tuesday in the afternoon as well.

*Registration is required for all activities.


Conference Plenary Sessions

Curriculum engagement in times of crisis: who are we engaging and for what purpose?

In a time of uncertainty, where we seem to lurch from crisis to crisis, how can we ensure Higher Education curricula anticipates and responds to changing cultural, societal, economic, and environmental needs? How might we intentionally design and enact teaching so that students experience and demonstrate learning that equips them for an unknown future. If the curriculum is indeed a “pedagogical vehicle for effecting change in human beings” (Barnett, 2009), then who are we engaging and for what purpose? This plenary session considers these questions drawing on the perspective of faculty, students and communities, stakeholders while also arguing that the curriculum is a vital place to begin answering these questions.

  • Réka Matolay – Corvinus University of Budapest (Chair)
  • Valentina Tassone – Wageningen University
  • Catherine O’Mahoney – University College Cork
  • Karel Proot Former student at Ghent University and project officer at Breekijzer

Engagement disrupts! Requirements of future policies to overcome the conceptual, legal, financial and institutional fragility of community engagement

The complexity of our research as well as our education systems demand a holistic and coordinated approach across different geographies and scales, socio-cultural contexts and practices. These systems are complex and need innovative socio-technical solutions that transcend disciplinary and institutional boundaries. They require a shift in the culture of and partnerships for science based on sound, reliable and innovative policies.. But do we already send a clear and unified message and do we talk with one voice to policy makers? Do we have a coherent, strong and convincing narrative that could be considered as the answer to problems which multiple audiences would see as legitimate? And how can ‘collaboration competency’ and active learning be promoted as a proactive and self-directed approach to research and education and related policies? Rosa Arias, Nùria Bayo and Ismael Rafols invite you to discuss these topics.

  • Norbert Steinhaus – WilaBonn Science Shop (Chair)
  • Rosa Arias – Science for Change
  • Ismael Ràfols – Leiden University 
  • Núria Bayó Regions del Coneixement

Building and sustaining next generation engagement: Visioning our future

This interactive plenary will offer you a breathing space and a chance to consolidate your learning and consider what you are taking away from the conference. You’ll have time to think on your own, and to share with and hear from others. What will change for you? What do you want others to change? How will you (and we as a network) play a part in building and sustaining next generation engagement?

  • Emma McKenna – Science Shop, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Catherine Bates –  Research Engagement Lead, TUDublin

Side Events

The digital transformation in the heritage domain opens the door to a collaboration between archives and the scientific community. On the one hand, there is the need to have new technology for the documentary treatment of big amounts of photographs and audiovisuals and also for their preservation. On the other hand, there are plenty of opportunities for new storytelling and for the collaboration between archives and citizens. In this session, we will explain the link between Archives, Technology and People, based on our own experience in different international projects and with the aim to make it clear the interest of archives in the scientific and social spheres. Besides, it must be highlight that this session will take place at the Municipal Archive’s facilities, a Convent form the XVIIth century I the historic quartier of Girona city.

Venue: Arxiu Municipal de Girona

Date and time: 27th June 2024. 18:00 h – 19:30 h

Speakers: Lluís-Esteve Casellas, Head of Department of Records Management, Archives and Publications ; David Iglésias. Head of Department of Photography and Audiovisuals

Scientific Committee

  • Alicia Betts Strategic International Projects, Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • Amanda Demmer – Program Coordinator Community-Based Research Canada, Canada
  • Anna Planas – Lecturer and Researcher Universitat de Girona , Spain
  • Andrea Vargiu – Professor Università di Sassari, Italy
  • Anne-Sophie Gresle – Patient Experience, And Public and Patient Involvement in Health Research Practitioner Hospital Clinic & Barcelona Institute for Global Health Research, Spain
  • Budd Hall – UNESCO Chair in CBR and SR in Higher Education University of Victoria, Canada
  • Catherine Bates – Research Engagement Lead University of Dublin, Ireland
  • Edgar Iglesias – Lecturer and Researcher Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • Emma McKenna – Science Shop Co-ordinator Queen’s University Belfast, UK
  • Glen Millot – Coordinator Sciences Citoyennes, France
  • Henk Mulder – Science Shop Coordinator/Lecturer University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Jaume Feliu – Lecturer and Researcher Universitat de Girona,  Spain
  • Josep Calbó – Vice-Rector Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • Jozefien De Marrée – Science Shop co-ordinator KU Leuven (Engage), Belgium
  • Katrin Hedemann – University of Vechta, Science Shop Vechta/Cloppenburg,  Germany
  • Khan Rahi – Community-based Researcher/Lecturer Canadian Community-Based Research Network, Canada
  • Marc Pauly – Science Shop Coordinator University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Michael Soegaard Joergensen – Associate professor Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Norbert Steinhaus – Project Manager; Bonn Science Shop,  Germany
  • Peter Norman Levesque – Poet, Retired President, Retired Senior Lecturer Retired from University of Ottawa, Institute for Knowledge Mobilization, Canada
  • Quim Brugué – Lecturer and Researcher Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • Reka Matolay – Head of Corvinus Science Shop Corvinus Science Shop, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
  • Ruth Hally Dr – University College Cork, Ireland
  • Sílvia Llach – Vice-Rector Universitat de Girona,  Spain
  • Sílvia Simon – Lecturer and Researcher Universitat de Girona,  Spain
  • Valentina Ghibellini – Researcher University of Sassari, Italy
  • Vera Verhage – Coordinator Science Shop of Medicine and Public Health University Medical Center Groningen/ University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Vincent Hazelhoff – Science Shop Coordinator University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Yorick Karseboom – Coördinator Wetenschapswinkel, Docent Filosofie Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
Your Guides – The Science Shop Summer School will be facilitated by Science Shop coordinators with a long experience